Hi all!
So as I mentioned in a previous post I bought the babyliss soft waver iron from eBay for around £14! This item arrived on Thursday and boy do I love it!
The iron is just what I was looking for! Rather large and perfect for achieving loose curls! I was pretty impressed when this item arrived as it came with a protective wrap, a little black glove, and a little cute pouch for it all to fit into. I would say the iron is approximately 11cm and you literally only need to hold it around your hair for a few seconds! It also has 3 heat settings! The curls really did last in my hair and to be honest I loved the way my hair looked the day after using them! It just left a really beautiful wave in my hair and is something that may be achieved by brushing the curls out.
Thanks for reading
Love India xx
Monday, April 1, 2013
Cath Kidston crazy!
Hi everyone!
So this weekend I went to Liverpool! Yay! I was extremely unkind to my bank balance and bought loads including two new Michael Kors bags! Oops I think I have a serious obsession!
One of the things I bought was a Cath Kidston toiletry bag, I have been after one of these beauty's for quite a while now as I am always carrying my hair products back and forth from my boyfriends in a carrier bag - not cool! I could of easily bought one of these of the Internet but I can never get a good judge of size so wanted to go into the shop myself and have a good nosey at all of the different options!
I am so happy with my choice as it fits all of my toiletries in and has a cute zip pouch on the front which I think is ideal for storing bobbles and hair clips! It also has a waterproof inside which will easily wipe clean! I honestly think it was a steal at £18.
I am a bit Cath Kidston bally mad at the moment and also bought a awesome pair of high tops which cost me £26 and today I ordered a phone case which I cannot wait to arrive as my ted baker is getting a little battered around the edges!
Thanks for reading
Love India xx
So this weekend I went to Liverpool! Yay! I was extremely unkind to my bank balance and bought loads including two new Michael Kors bags! Oops I think I have a serious obsession!
One of the things I bought was a Cath Kidston toiletry bag, I have been after one of these beauty's for quite a while now as I am always carrying my hair products back and forth from my boyfriends in a carrier bag - not cool! I could of easily bought one of these of the Internet but I can never get a good judge of size so wanted to go into the shop myself and have a good nosey at all of the different options!
I am so happy with my choice as it fits all of my toiletries in and has a cute zip pouch on the front which I think is ideal for storing bobbles and hair clips! It also has a waterproof inside which will easily wipe clean! I honestly think it was a steal at £18.
I am a bit Cath Kidston bally mad at the moment and also bought a awesome pair of high tops which cost me £26 and today I ordered a phone case which I cannot wait to arrive as my ted baker is getting a little battered around the edges!
Thanks for reading
Love India xx
Monday, March 25, 2013
Where have I been?
Hello everyone!
Talk about neglecting my blog - to tell you the truth I am skint so haven't really been able to go on any beauty buys so iv sadly not really had much to share with all of you beautiful people! but do not fear it is pay day on Thursday and my shopping trip to Liverpool on Saturday so lots of money will be spent and that means lots of things to review! So I may aswell tell you what I have been up to in my week of absence!
I bought the Babyliss Boutique soft waves iron! I have been searching for a large barrel curling wand for ages now - one that will give really loose waves and read a few reviews about the boutique waver so I purchased it on Ebay (brand new for a much cheaper price) I think it cost me £18.00 including postage so I am very very excited for this to arrive and to try it out!
I bought a few turtle necked pieces of clothing. The first piece was a ribbed turtle neck black crop top! I have had my eye on these for a while now and saw one on boohoo's website for £8.00 which was such a bargain! It arrived today and will look lovely with high waisted pants or a skirt! I also bought a purple high necked bodycon dress from boohoo for £10.00. Sadly I am sending this item back as it just didn't look right once on (looked perfect on the model though of course) It was a really funny length - wasn't a midi dress length but also wasn't a normal length dress it was that awkward in between length. I am now still on the hunt for a new dress anyone recommend a good clothes site?
I listed some vintage style heels on eBay! I bought these for my mums wedding last year (she had a 1940's themed wedding) They fit ok on the day but when I went to wear them again they were just far too big for me. (small feet don't judge haha) The reason I decided to sell these on Ebay is because they cost me £40 and I wore them once so I thought I may aswell try and get my moneys worth. You can view the shoes here
So I know you might be thinking I thought you were skint but you bought all this? haha well I am but ordered this last week so am sat here twiddling my thumbs waiting for it all to arrive
Monday, March 18, 2013
My everyday hair care routine
So I thought I would give you all an insight into my hair care routine! I have only really had a hair care regime for about 4 months now but I am sticking to it and can totally see a change in the condition of my hair. - I would recommend this to anyone!
Okay so the first thing I do is wash my hair in the Toni & Guys Nourish & Cleanse shampoo and conditioner - I have been using this product for about 1 month now. I was amazed the first time I used it and just couldn't help but touch my hair It left it feeling soooo soft and smelt amazing!
Step 2 - I will then use my tangle teezer to brush my hair and then apply some of Herbal Essences Split end remedy on to my hair - this stuff is great I am currently on my second bottle and it lasts forever!
Step 3 - I will then spray Toni & Guys Heat defence spray all over my locks and then brush through with my teezer to distribute both products evenly. I have only previously started to use a Heat defence spray and will certainly not be missing this of my hair care regime in the future!
Step 4 - I will then blow dry my hair but on the cool setting on my hair dryer - this is to avoid having too much heat on my hair as we all know that it isn't great for us!
Step 5 - I then use Pantene split end serum throughout the ends of my hair, I use this product quite regularly and am my like 4th bottle of the stuff! This serum is great and just absorbs straight into your hair and doesn't leave it greasy or oily.
Step 6 - Before going to bed I will also spray Pantene overnight intense repair spray onto my hair! This was a spur of the moment buy as I had never heard of these before. It smells great but the only downside is it doesn't have a very even spray and just sort of unevenly squirts onto your hair.
I use Lee Staffords Hair Growth treatment conditioner on my hair twice a week and am nearly all out - but I will certainly be buying another tub as I preferred it more than their shampoo and conditioner.
Do you have a certain hair care routine or any products you love and would recommend?
Sunday, March 17, 2013
Rimmel Apocalips and MUA shade 14
(not my own images)
So I dont own the best collection of lipsticks so thought I am going to change that and invest in a few new ones.
First of all I got MUA shade 14 lipstick for a bargain price of £1. On the above pictures these two colours look very alike but once on its a different story! (I would show you pictures of me wearing them but sadly the quality of my iPhone camera doesn't do them justice. On this picture the lipstick looks more of a peach colour when actually it is a natural beige colour when on - it gives your lips a little but of colour with them still looking natural. The lasting power isn't excellent but what do you expect for a £1
Next I move onto the very much hyped about apocalips! I got mine in shade Luna - sadly I dont seem to suit bright looking lipsticks but maybe I just haven't found the right one. It is a genius product! Its like a lipstick and gloss rolled into one! When wearing this lip gloss it gives my lips a nice peachy colour without looking too bold/orange. I bought this product from Asda believe it or not and it only cost me £4 on an offer they had on. Might have to go back and purchase some more! got my eye on Celestial, anybody tried that?
Also a total random question but can anyone recommend a good digital camera? I am after a rather big one that you see photography people with and makes your photos look amaze - but also one without a ridiculous price tag?
Thanks for Reading
Please follow me on Bloglovin if you like the posts you read - just click on the widget on the side of my blog.
Saturday, March 16, 2013
Oops I bought some MORE makeup!
Oops I went shopping and bought some more make-up I only intended to buy a new foundation as I felt like a little change after using Rimmels Lasting finish for so long, so on my lunch hour the other day I spent a whole 30 minutes trying out different foundations.
I was going to try Rimmels new wake me up foundation but heard a few mixed reviews on the coverage and lasting power, so instead I found myself hovering around the Max Factor stand.
So the foundation I went for was Max Factors Age Elixir in shade 75 Golden! I know your probably thinking is that not too dark? but the one before it was Beige 55 and it was far too light. So when I got home I tried it and the colour was a perfect match! It is such a light feeling foundation and looks flawless when put on your skin. It also has a serum in it which is a added bonus! This foundation set me back £12.99 and can be purchased here - Max Factor Age Elixer I am really pleased with this foundation and looking forward to using it everyday.
Next I decided I would try a Powder from yet again Max Factor called Creme Puff. I got the powder in colour Translucent. I am a powder virgin believe it or not, but thought I would give it whirl and am really happy with the results - I do need to invest in a powder brush though. You can purchase the powder here Max Factor Creme Puff
Max Factor glide and define liquid eye liner was the next item I purchased. When I first tried this I was not keen at all. It has a twisty lid and is a little like a felt pen. I gave it a good shake and when I put it on my eye it just seemed a really light colour and not like a black liquid liner. I felt like I had to keep going over the same bit for the black to show evenly. I did then try the liner again and it did work alot better than last night - so I am unsure if it just needed to be worn in a little bit. You can purchase the eye liner here - Glide & Define
Lastly due to my Benefit There Real mascara running out I thought Id best invest in a new one. Sadly I do not have a spare £18 to splash out on some mascara so instead I got Maybelline Rocket lashes mascara! I am not gonna lie I am totally loving the mascara and cant even tell the difference from the Benefit one I was wearing. Rocket Volume Mascara
All the Max Factor products were bought on a surprise surprise 3 for 2 offer so in the end I got the liquid liner free, so it wasn't that much of a loss.
Thursday, March 14, 2013
I am searching for a Bloglovin / Google follower genius!
Howdy all!
*Warning confusion may follow*
So I have heard it through the grape line that from the 1st July google followers is going to be no more! .... So basically everytime I get a new lovely member to my blog and did a little excited dance didnt really mean anything :( I am hoping some genius will be able to give me a clear understanding of the change as I am new to all of this malarkey and to put it bluntly I am the brightest crayon in the pack with regards to technology! - I know I know your all thinking take a chill its no biggie so I thought I would put a few questions which a few of you's can hopefully answer!
1. When I see a blog I want to follow, do I just follow it from the bloglovin page instead of clicking on the "join this site" button on blogger?
2. Is bloglovin going to me used as the new central of blogs?
3. How do I get a bloglovin followers thingy on my blog?
4. Will I basically just be using blogger for creating posts and editing my blog?
5. When someone comments on my post will it still go through to my google mail address? As my bloglovin address is set up to yahoo? - I know silly right, why didnt I just use the same one
5. When someone comments on my post will it still go through to my google mail address? As my bloglovin address is set up to yahoo? - I know silly right, why didnt I just use the same one
Ok so I could babble on for alot longer but think 5 questions will suffice for now!
Thanks in advance
NOTD - Collection 200 - Milkshake
So yesterday I went out and purchased a new nail varnish! Its not a major brand but I am really liked the colour for work. It is a Collection 2000 varnish in shade Milkshake! (such a yummy name!)
As it states on the bottle it is a fast drying product and was such a bargain at £1.49. I have been wearing the nail varnish all day and it still looks freshly painted! I certainly will be buying a few different shades! I also purchased Maybelline Rocket Mascara and a Rimmel Apocalips Lipgloss in Shade Luna! I am yet to try these beauties but as soon as I do I shall share my verdict with you lovely people!
Have any of you tried a Collection 2000 nail varnish, and if so what shades and what are your thoughts?
Thanks for reading
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
OOTD Saturday - Tie Dye midi dress
So I thought I would do a quick post on the tie dye midi dress I wore on Saturday when I met my friend for a few beverages! May I just add I am totally addicted to midi dresses at the moment!!
I recently did a mini haul post and this dress was included and was a total steal at £9.99 from eBay! When the dress arrived it was a good thick quality and didn't seem like a cheap buy which I was really impressed about! I am totally stocking up on some different patterned ones! - I think they can look quite sophisticated depending on the pattern and what they are worn with.
I decided to team the dress with my suede black wedges which were only £8 from Primark and a monochrome clutch bag! Let me know your thoughts guys!
Monday, March 11, 2013
March Wish List
So I have had my eye on The Michael Kors phone case for a while now as my Ted Baker is sadly getting a bit worn around the edges! Luckily there is A Micahel Kors shop at Cheshire Oaks (thats a shopping outlet spot for people who didn't know) and they sell bags, iphones and pursesdfor a fraction of the price! so I seriously cannot wait to go!
Since Christmas I have had my eye on the chubby sticks from Clinique, has anyone tried any of the shades and recommend them?
Obviously there is something hair related in this post! which brings me onto The Cloud nine curling wand! I have been after a large wand for AGES now that creates loose curls and this one rather appeals to me. With me being on a hair growth mission I obviously!! have to purchase the famous Moroccan oil everyone has been raving about!
Hopefully on my little shopping trip I shall stumble across these products! Have any of yous tried them? If so what are your thoughts?
Sunday, March 10, 2013
Liebster Award
I received a nomination from the beautiful Katie Moscrop for a Liebster Award - excited blog. The Liebster award is given to up and coming bloggers who have less than 200 followers. What is a Liebster you may ask? Well the meaning: Liebster is German and means sweetest, kindest, nicest, dearest, beloved, lovely, kind, pleasant, valued, cute, endearing, and welcome.
Here are the rules for the award:
- List 11 random facts about yourself
- Answer the 11 questions which are given to you by your nominator
- Ask 11 questions for all the bloggers that you nominate to win the award
- Nominate 9 bloggers with less than 200 followers to win the award
- Go to each of the nominees' pages to inform them about their nomination
- Thank the blogger who nominated you by mentioning them and linking their blog in your post
11 facts about me:
1. I went to sixth form for a year to study Law, Psychology, Dance and Drama.
2. My favorite film is The Notebook and The Proposal
3. I live in the Lake District
4. I am Miss Charity South Lakes 2012
5. My favorite handbag design is Michael Kors
6. My favorite takeaway food is chinese
7. I have extremely pale skin which results in me having to fake tan at least twice a week
8. I have a awesome boyfriend and have done for 4 years
9. I prefer Winter to Summer
10. My parents are divorced
11. It takes me FOREVER to finish reading a book
My 11 questions from Katie:
1. If you were a Disney character, who would you be and why?
Ariel as it would be pretty cool being a mermaid
2. When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up?
A Ballet Dancer
3. What's your favourite book?
Harry Potter (all of them)
4. If you could live in another time/decade when would you live and why?
hmmm a tricky one! either the 1920s as I love the fashion from them and how elegant they seemed or the swinging sixties as they had really cool dance moves and clothes!
5. What's your favourite quote?
Dont really know many quotes but rather like Do not give up, the beginning is always the hardest
6. Do you like your steak medium/rare/well done?
Medium kinda girl
7. How would you sum up your blog in three words?
Honest, hopefully interesting and fun to read (ok more than 3 exact words I know)
8. What's your favourite beauty product?
I am loving Champneys body butter and bubble bath at the moment
9. If a song had to be played to sum you up, what would it be?
Rent Take me or leave me! - ok it doesnt really sum me up but I do love dancing around my room to it and it was the first one that popped into my head :)
10. Who would be at your dream dinner party?
Ryan Reynolds, Heidi Montag, Spencer Pratt Millie Mackintosh, Paddy McGuiness, Joey Essex, The Saturdays minus vVanessa as she seems a little boring
11. What does your blog mean to you?
My blog is very important to me as it is the start of a new journey and something I have wanted to do for a very long time
The 11 questions I asked:
1.If you had to move to a desert island what would you take with you?
2. Summer or Winter?
3. When did you start your blog?
4. What would you do with 1 million pounds?
5. 3 favorite online clothes websites?
6. One thing that really winds you up?
7. Celebrity crush?
8. What do you do for a living?
9. What is your favorite food to snack on?
10. What era would you choose to live in?
11. Favorite designer/brand
My Nomintaions
Saturday, March 9, 2013
My Matte Black Hunter Wellies
(Not my own image)
Hello my lovelies, So I thought I would write a little blog about my Hunter Wellies and how much of a bargain they were! The Standard Hunter wellington retails at around £79.99 and can be a lot higher in price but my beaut Hunters cost £35.00. Why you may ask? Well I have size 5 feet and believe it or not the children's sizes go up to a UK size 5 and cost half the price! So instead of buying an adult size 5 I bought a children's size 5! Awesome or what!
I got my Hunters in Matte black and I wear them all the time! (usually teamed with my wax jacket) - and may I add they are no different to the Adults ones! I was going to go for the bright red ones but thought this time I would go for the black as they will go with anything and I can buy some Jazzy socks to go around the top (got my beady eye on the leopard ones)! They are sooo comfy and I wear them at every opportune moment!
I got the idea of blogging about my Hunters from http://london-bredladieswholunch.blogspot.co.uk/ As they did a post about some they got from TK Maxx for a discounted price! You should check their blog out its pretty cool!
Thats all for now
Love India xx
Thursday, March 7, 2013
Mini Haul
Twice in one night! You can tell someone is getting a bit over excited with regards to blogging. So payday hit, and I thought I would treat myself to a few payday treats whilst I still have the money too! I wont go into too much detail with the hair products as I will clearly give them the satisfaction of having their very own blog post once I have used them for long enough to give a honest review!
Toni & Guy Nourish and Cleanse Shampoo and Conditioner for damaged hair.
So I have been using this product for only 2 weeks after seeing it on Zoellas wonderful youtube page and so far I love it so keep your eyes peeled for a full blown review! I got this product on the 3 for £12 offer on Toni & Guy products boots currently has on
Toni & Guy Heat defence spray
I bought this on a total whim as it was on the offer in Boots and it took my fancy! I then got home a read a bad review of someone on the boots websites - slightly gutted, but I am glad to say I am really enjoying this product! It is light on your hair and has a cool little locky clippy button (my vocabulary is great right).
Rimmel Metal Rush Nail Varnish
This is shade 29 - Royal Blue and is the current nail varnish I am wearing. I was amazed by this in the shop as it kept changing colour when I was looking at it! The main colour I can see in this nail varnish when wearing it is a light purple colour, but in certain lights and angles, it shows a green and dark blue. I felt like I had to use at least 2 coats for a good coverage but overall I am happy with this nail varnish and am going to investigate in the other shades available.
Tie Dye Midi Dress Turtle Neck
Ok so this dress is a cheeky little Ebay find! It was a total bargain at £9.99 brand new. I am currently obsessed with midi dresses so this will fit nicely into my collection. I will be doing a OOTD post of me wearing this dress some time soon.
Where you can find the products I have mentioned!
Shampoo and Conditioner - http://www.boots.com/en/Toni-Guy/Cleanse-Nourish/For-damaged-hair/?cm_re=c1030_image3-_-product_list-_-damaged&cm_sp=brand_treatment-_-c1030-_-c1030_image3
Heat protection spray - http://www.boots.com/en/Toni-Guy-Prep-Heat-Protection-Mist-150ml_1234335/
Rimmel Metal Rush - http://uk.rimmellondon.com/products/nails/metal-rush
Tie Dye Midi Dress - http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/8G-LADIES-TIE-DYE-OMBRE-BLEACHED-BLACK-MIDI-BODYCON-MAXI-FITTED-DRESS-SIZE-8-14-/160954168082?_trksid=p5197.m185&_trkparms=algo%3DSIC.NPJS%26itu%3DI%252BUA%26otn%3D3%26pmod%3D160957179741%26po%3DLVI%26ps%3D63%26clkid%3D6082021359837036792&_qi=RTM1319884 (Such a long link)
Thanks for reading
Love India xx
My Bushtucker Trial Video
Hello my lovely readers,
So earlier in the week I posted about my Miss South Lakes experience and what I did to fund raise money - casually eat bugs live on the bay radio! So I thought I would be awesome and post the video for yous to watch! Enjoy!
Love India xx
Wednesday, March 6, 2013
25 facts about little old me
So I thought I would jump on the band wagon and give you a little insight in to myself. So without further ado 25 facts about me!!
1. I have only been abroad twice! - trust me I don't mean it to stay that way for much longer
2. I hate the colour pink with a passion
3. I have two pets, A beautiful little doggie called Lilly who is a Yorkie Chihuahua Cross and a Tortoise called Victor which I share with my boyfriend Rowen
4. Since the age of 2 I attended Ballet Classes up until the age of 18 and I loved it
5. My favourite TV show is Pretty Little Liars! Its awesome and I would recommend anyone who hasn't already watched it to do so!
6. I suffered with bad anxiety just over 2 years ago
7. I am a bit OCD about tidying and cleanliness
8. I drive a 1999 silver Micra - Loving Life!
9. I have two younger brothers one aged 19 and one aged 17
10. I have wanted to create a blog for about 2 years but never had the guts too
11. I don't like or eat vegetables
12. I am afraid of heights and water
13. The sound of crunching on a Malteaster goes right through me so I have to suck on them
14. I can't go to sleep on my own unless I have my monkey teddy nuzzled under my chin - dont judge
15. I don't really know how to cook
16. I have a weird obsession with looking for my dream house and the interior I would have in it
17. I like going for random drives up the Lake District in the car - as long as I am the passenger and can take in the views
18. I played the Wicked Witch of the West in my Year six Primary School show
19. I wouldn't mind living in Texas on a farm and drive a truck but still be really cool
20. Crisps are my favourite food to snack on - especially really salty ones
21. I passed my driving test first time - go me
22. Im not much of a fan of going out clubbing id much rather sit at home and pamper myself or learn how to knit a quilted blanket
23. Even though I am scared of water I would like to swim with Dolphins - as long as its in a secure pool and not the big blue sea!
24. When I was little I used to get really homesick and when I was at a sleepover I would have to go home hysterically crying - poor me
25. I could eat baked beans with pretty much anything
Well I hoped you enjoyed these facts about myself and they didnt bore you too much! Would love to know yours
Love India
Monday, March 4, 2013
Lee Stafford hair growth treatment
So another blog about my hair care regime! My wonderful hair growth treatment by Lee Stafford! I know I said I wasn't 100% satisfied with the shampoo and conditioner from the hair care range but the deep treatment conditioner is a different story! It smells awesome and is really good for my hair!
I would usually use this about twice a week after shampooing and leave it on for about 20-30 minutes then wash it off.
It is a lovely light pink colour and you don't need to use a lot for full and even coverage - I bought this treatment at the beginning of February and I'm not even half way through the tub yet. This deep treatment condition cost me £7.99 and I got it on the 3 for 2 offer at boots - which sadly isn't on at the moment but its a regular deal that they do.
After blow drying my hair the treatment leaves my hair feeling cashmere soft and as soon as I run out I am definitely running out and buying a new tub! After starting to pay real attention to my hair since the beginning of this year I really have noticed a difference in the quality of my hair and that's all down to me invested in a few good hair care products!
Thanks for reading
India xo
I would usually use this about twice a week after shampooing and leave it on for about 20-30 minutes then wash it off.
It is a lovely light pink colour and you don't need to use a lot for full and even coverage - I bought this treatment at the beginning of February and I'm not even half way through the tub yet. This deep treatment condition cost me £7.99 and I got it on the 3 for 2 offer at boots - which sadly isn't on at the moment but its a regular deal that they do.
After blow drying my hair the treatment leaves my hair feeling cashmere soft and as soon as I run out I am definitely running out and buying a new tub! After starting to pay real attention to my hair since the beginning of this year I really have noticed a difference in the quality of my hair and that's all down to me invested in a few good hair care products!
Thanks for reading
India xo
Thursday, February 28, 2013
What im wearing on my face ... February !
Ok so I know we only have about half an hour left of February but I thought I would post a "what im wearing on my face" blog for this month as im sure by the time March comes along I will have tried a load of new products!
So lets start with the foundation! I am using Rimmels Lasting Finish foundation in shade 201. I have been using this product for well over a year and love it! It really does do what it says on the bottle! last all day and gives a even coverage! I really would recommend this. This product can vary in price from around £6.00 to £8.99 as usually alot of Rimmel products are on offer in Boots.
Now moving on to my eyes and eye liners that I am using. I usually apply a pencil eye liner to the top and bottom of my eyelid, I am using yet again another Rimmel product the Rimmel Soft Kohl eye liner pencil, I only have to apply it once a day and find it doesn't leave dark smudge marks around your eyes. On the top of my eyelid I will use Rimmel Glam Eyes Liquid eye liner in shade midnight black. I like to have a defined liquid eye liner along my eyelid to give my eye a more of a defined look.

Now for my cheeks! This month I have been using a highlighter I have for quite a while but never used it. I got it free with some perfume I bought (Britney Spears - Curious) and when I tried it I was really impressed. I use it on the top of my cheek bones and for a added bonus it it scented! - wouldn't have a clue where to go out and buy it from now though as I got it for a gift with the perfume! The blusher I am using is ELF Pink Blush I got this when I purchased a few eye shadows last month and for a cheap blusher it has done the job and lasted quite well. I think it only cost about £2.99 so was definitely a bargain! When it comes to purchasing a new blusher though I will have a scout around and see what else is out there for me to try! I would then usually apply Vaseline Cocoa butter onto my lips throughout the day to keep them smooth and moisturised.
So lets start with the foundation! I am using Rimmels Lasting Finish foundation in shade 201. I have been using this product for well over a year and love it! It really does do what it says on the bottle! last all day and gives a even coverage! I really would recommend this. This product can vary in price from around £6.00 to £8.99 as usually alot of Rimmel products are on offer in Boots.
Now moving on to my eyes and eye liners that I am using. I usually apply a pencil eye liner to the top and bottom of my eyelid, I am using yet again another Rimmel product the Rimmel Soft Kohl eye liner pencil, I only have to apply it once a day and find it doesn't leave dark smudge marks around your eyes. On the top of my eyelid I will use Rimmel Glam Eyes Liquid eye liner in shade midnight black. I like to have a defined liquid eye liner along my eyelid to give my eye a more of a defined look.
On my eyelashes this month I have been using a AWESOME mascara, It is the "There Real" Mascara from Benefit. Its quite an expensive mascara costing £18.99 but it is totally worth it, within a few brushes across my eyelashes you can see the difference in length and volume. Im rather lucky and have pretty long eyelashes anyway so this product totally opens my eyes up and gives me the fluttery lashes I want! I have received quite a few compliments when wearing this mascara, with people asking if im wearing falsies, but I can proudly say no there all mine! I would totally recommend anyone who is looking for a new mascara and doesn't mind spending a bit more money than your average mascara would cost to rush out a get one.
Well that's about it for my everyday make-up post!
India xo
My Bush Tucker Trial Experience!
I know a funny way to start a blog, but back in September 2012 I got choose to be part of the Miss South Lakes first ever final! to say I was excited was a understatement! Part of the competition was to raise money for The Children's Variety Club and somehow (under the influence of my crazy boyfriend) I decided I would carry out a bush tucker trial! Not long after the news of my bush tucker trial appeared in the local newspaper I got a phone call from The Bay Radio asking if I wanted to do my trial LIVE on the radio! I really did feel honoured to be asked to go to their studio and complete my crazy fundraising idea!
The bugs I was going to attempt to eat were grasshoppers, crickets, weaver ants, grubs (which were one of the more sickening ones) and scorpions! - may I just add that I did not just wonder into the wilderness and snatch these creatures from there homes, it was all bought from a proper bug eating website! I felt like such a celebrity sat in the studio all head phoned up with my massive microphone! and with the help off all the presenters I managed to eat all of these "lovely" bugs below!
When the final of the competition finally approached I was so nervous but met so many lovely girls along the way and we all just had such a laugh you even forget its a competition - may I add getting all dressed up and pampered was a added bonus to whole experience! I managed to raise over £1000 for charity and I won the Charity Miss South Lakes 2012 and came third in the overall competition! WOW!
I'm not the sort of person that would usually go ahead and compete in something like this (I always wanted too but never actually had the guts to go and do it) so I really would recommend this to anyone wanting to try something new! I took the jump and look how far I came! This is not something I would usually put on my blog but I had such an amazing time doing this I wanted to share it with everyone!
Let me know if you have ever done anything like this or thought about it? and would you be able to eat all those nasty bugs?
Thanks for reading guys
Monday, February 25, 2013
Trusty tangle teezer
So carrying on with the hair theme I have decided to blog about a fairly new member of my hair care routine.... My trusty tangle teezer! I had read a lot of reviews about this brush but it never seemed to appeal to me, it wasn't until I was reading a post and the person had extremely long hair and she said the only way to stop it from breaking and keeping it it tip top condition was by using a tangle teezer! So about two weeks ago I decided I would pop down to boots and purchase one! I was looking for the purple glitter one but they had all sold out (goes to show how popular they are) and they only had the compact travel ones left in bright pink! I wanted one that much I just went ahead a bought it. The tangle teezer cost £12.49 which I think it quite pricey for a hair brush but its totally worth it!
With mine being the compact travel one it comes with a clip on front which I think is really useful as it protects the bristles when it's in your bag and to be honest when I come to replacing mine along the line I will go for the same style!
Just imagine you come out of the shower and have a matted tangled mess on your head and are not looking forward to the next ten minutes you are going to spend untangling your wet hair (may I mention your hair is more prone to breakages when wet), well with the tangle teezer it will easily glide through your hair and not pull at your head causing you pain. It has soft bendy bristles that grip to your hair and when used on your hair dry leaves it feeling silky soft! I would give this product 10/10 and will definitely be buying again.
If your interested in buying this product I got mine from here
Thanks for reading xo
With mine being the compact travel one it comes with a clip on front which I think is really useful as it protects the bristles when it's in your bag and to be honest when I come to replacing mine along the line I will go for the same style!
Just imagine you come out of the shower and have a matted tangled mess on your head and are not looking forward to the next ten minutes you are going to spend untangling your wet hair (may I mention your hair is more prone to breakages when wet), well with the tangle teezer it will easily glide through your hair and not pull at your head causing you pain. It has soft bendy bristles that grip to your hair and when used on your hair dry leaves it feeling silky soft! I would give this product 10/10 and will definitely be buying again.
If your interested in buying this product I got mine from here
Thanks for reading xo
Sunday, February 24, 2013
Lee Stafford hair growth shampoo and conditioner
So after about two years I have decided to finally bite the bullet and create a blog about makeup, fashion and my all time fave... hair products! Lately I have really gotten into trying out new hair products as I'm on a bit of a hair growing mission, so I thought it would be rather suitable to write my first blog about Lee Stafford's hair growth shampoo and conditioner!
I was really intrigued after reading a few different reviews on this product so decided to go to boots and purchase it on the 3 for 2. The shampoo and conditioner smells lovely (like all of his products) and leaves a long lasting smell in your hair and I must say I have noticed a difference in the condition especially on the ends. I wouldn't say it's a miracle worker and you'll wake up looking like rapunzel but it does definitely improve the quality of your hair meaning in the long term it will grow quicker.
The only downside to this shampoo and conditioner is that when the shampoo is put on it doesn't lather up as well as other shampoos and leaves your head feeling quite dry meaning you have to use more shampoo than expected. I also noticed my hair was a little more tangled than usual when I came to brush it (but my trusty tangle teezer sorted that out). Overall I would say this is a good shampoo and conditioner and has really improved the quality of my hair! I would definitely buy again!!
I was really intrigued after reading a few different reviews on this product so decided to go to boots and purchase it on the 3 for 2. The shampoo and conditioner smells lovely (like all of his products) and leaves a long lasting smell in your hair and I must say I have noticed a difference in the condition especially on the ends. I wouldn't say it's a miracle worker and you'll wake up looking like rapunzel but it does definitely improve the quality of your hair meaning in the long term it will grow quicker.
The only downside to this shampoo and conditioner is that when the shampoo is put on it doesn't lather up as well as other shampoos and leaves your head feeling quite dry meaning you have to use more shampoo than expected. I also noticed my hair was a little more tangled than usual when I came to brush it (but my trusty tangle teezer sorted that out). Overall I would say this is a good shampoo and conditioner and has really improved the quality of my hair! I would definitely buy again!!
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